- Water Conservation & Management
- Business Administration and Entrepreneurial Leadership Skills
- Clean Cooking Practices with Smoke Inhalation Mitigation technologies
- Agricultural Sciences and Farm Businesses Management
- Health Sciences and Illness Prevention Practices
- Nutritional Sciences for Healthy Body and Brain Development
- Pastoral Guidance and Leadership Development Skills
One City comprehensively covers the full spectrum of poverty-causing catalysts in a holistic approach that works!

A few of our programs
Light Village
Water Carts
Africa TrAID
Medical Clinic
One City Ministries was founded in 2008 to battle the systemically-entrenched poverty that for eons has entrapped countless million living in developing countries. This extreme poverty is always accompanied by an interconnected web of oppressive conditions that rob capacity and jeopardize life.
Our comprehensive array of programs tackles each of the many conditions that perpetuate poverty at their root. By holistically addressing these core issues that supress live and seeal opportunity, we are experiencing unprecedented success through the empowering growth of the individual.
Will you consider joining us in our campaign to end poverty once and for all?